Treatment of worms with folk remedies

In the treatment of helminth infestations an integrated approach is used - general and local drugs, tablets, enemas, restoratives. Recipes of traditional medicine against worms also show moderate effectiveness and strengthening effect. Despite the natural formulations, you must first make sure that you are not allergic to plant components.

herbs to remove parasites from the body

Folk recipes

Among the folk remedies for the treatment of worms in adults are the following:

  • tansy paste;
  • pumpkin seed powder;
  • wormwood tincture;
  • garlic oil;
  • infusion of immortelle;
  • soda solution;
  • walnut infusion;
  • natural honey;
  • drinks with carrot juice;
  • triad;
  • tincture of chanterelle mushrooms.

Folk recipes for worms are adjuvant therapy. To get rid of the infection and prevent recurrence, you should contact a therapist for laboratory tests and a complete treatment regimen.

Tansy paste

Tansy has pronounced anthelmintic properties, is part of the choleretic collection. The action of the plant provides the bioactive substance thujone in its chemical composition.

Preparation and acceptance of pasta:

  • the dried inflorescences are ground to a powdery state;
  • one third of the powder is mixed with honey to obtain a thick paste;
  • take 2 times a day for three days 30 minutes before meals;
  • at the end of the course drink a laxative.

At home with such a composition should be careful, because tansy is a toxic plant that can not be taken for a long time.

Pumpkin seed powder

One of the best folk remedies for the treatment of worms in adults, as pumpkin seeds have shown high efficiency in eliminating worms. The active substance, cucurbitine, is contained in a thin film that covers each seed. That is why in folk recipes the intake is often indicated together with the skin.

Powder intake:

  • grind a cup of seeds;
  • add 1 cup of milk and beat together;
  • eat the mixture on an empty stomach in the morning;
  • drink any liquid an hour after ingestion;
  • after 2 hours - 1 tsp castor oil.

The course of treatment is from 3 to 7 days. During this time, not only do worms die and are excreted, but the intestines are also cleared of toxins. Another option is to pour crushed unpeeled pumpkin seeds with a liter of boiling water and leave for 2 hours on a steam bath. The resulting broth is drunk in small portions for one hour and after another 2 hours is taken as a laxative.

Wormwood tincture

Bitter wormwood is effective against worms, as well as pinworms and roundworms. The following tincture is prepared from the plant:

  • mix 1: 1 dry crushed wormwood leaves and pumpkin seeds;
  • 1 part of the mixture is poured with vodka in a ratio of 1: 3;
  • the resulting mixture is left in the sun or in a warm place for 7 days;
  • drink the resulting tincture of 50 ml half an hour before meals twice a day.

The duration of the course of treatment of worms in humans at home is up to 21 days, depending on tolerability.

Garlic oil

This drug is useful not only for the elimination of worms, but also for the overall tone and immune response of the body, if taken strictly in these doses. Preparation:

  • 1 kg of garlic, peel and cut on a meat grinder or blender;
  • squeeze the juice - you get about 0, 5 liters;
  • mix the juice with 1 liter of unrefined oil;
  • place in a dark, cool place for two weeks, shaking occasionally;
  • filter and pour into a glass jar.

The resulting oil should be stored in the refrigerator. On an empty stomach in the morning you should take a teaspoon of oil and slowly dissolve in your mouth. After a few minutes, the composition is spit out and the oral cavity should be rinsed with water.

Immortelle tincture

This is a fairly simple folk recipe for worms in adults, it can be prepared on the basis of a pharmacy collection:

  • 2 tablespoons of immortelle herb are poured with 2 cups of boiling water in a thermos;
  • close and leave to infuse overnight;
  • take 4 times a day, half a cup before meals.

The duration of treatment is up to 10 days.

Soda solutions

Worms support life in an acidic environment, but baking soda creates an alkaline, uncomfortable parasite. Soda solutions are used for enemas and douching as follows:

  • a cleansing enema of plain water is first placed at room temperature;
  • after defecation prepare the prepared soda solution: 20 g of soda per 0. 8 liters of water at room temperature;
  • after emptying with a soda enema, another clean water is made.

Such manipulations should be repeated every other day, a total of 8 procedures should be performed. In parallel, you can take probiotics to restore the intestinal microflora.

Tincture of walnuts

A simple folk recipe for removing worms in humans:

  • chop green walnuts;
  • 4 tbsp. l. the resulting composition is poured into 200 ml of boiling water;
  • insist half an hour, filter;
  • divide the liquid into 3-4 portions, drink them a day.

At the same time, they take laxatives that will help cleanse the intestines of dead worms.

Natural honey

honey for cleaning from parasites

The only drug that can be used daily and at any age if there is no intolerance. Traditional medicine recommends taking ½ a teaspoon of natural honey every day. Better to choose buckwheat or may. On the day of therapy you should give up food, eat only honey and vegetables, and in the evening put a cleansing enema.

Carrot juice drink

A more complex folk remedy that includes several plants with anthelmintic action at once. Prepared according to this recipe:

  • tansy flowers, buckthorn bark, dried wormwood and mint are taken in equal proportions and mixed thoroughly;
  • a tablespoon of the resulting mixture is poured into a glass of boiling water;
  • insist 20 minutes;
  • filter and mix with 200 ml of fresh carrot juice.

The resulting product is taken twice a day, 200 ml on an empty stomach. You can also drink a glass of carrot juice with honey twice a day.


To prepare a mixture of anthelmintic herbs, take 1 part bitter wormwood seeds, 2 parts cloves and 4 parts tansy flowers. Grind to a powder, take the resulting dry mixture in half a teaspoon.

On the 1st day of treatment, folk remedy for worms should be taken once 30 minutes before meals, on the 2nd day - in the evening and in the morning, on the 3rd day - in the morning, at noon and during dinner. Each dose is washed with very clean water. The duration of intake is 7-10 days.


These mushrooms are known to never be damaged by worms, as they contain dangerous addiction. Mushrooms are able to completely destroy not only worms but also their eggs. Before use, the chanterelles are dried and ground to a powder.

Then 2 teaspoons of powder is poured into a glass of vodka, insist 10 days in a dark place and filter. The liquid is taken in a tablespoon after dinner. The course of treatment with such a folk remedy is up to two months. You can cook in water - mix 1 teaspoon in a glass of warm water, leave for half an hour and drink before bed.


Folk remedies for the treatment of worms have a number of contraindications and restrictions on their use, they can show side effects. Contraindications for use are:

  • pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • children under 12 years;
  • gastric and duodenal ulcers;
  • hypertension;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • impaired renal and / or hepatic function.

Folk remedies for worms can reduce the activity of parasites and lead to their death, clean the intestines of eggs and toxins, if properly selected. The best medicine should be chosen by a doctor who monitors the dynamics of treatment based on the test results.